PVS connectors -– highly efficient mechanical connection . These connectors can be used for joining rubber-fabric conveyor belts with strength characteristics from 500 kN/m to 1600 kN/m. The strength of the butt joint on a belt with a breaking force of 1600 kN/m is 56.6-58.1%. ...
Increase the productivity of your equipment – by using REMACLEAN conveyor belt cleaning systems from REMA TIP TOP GmbH. Equipment owners are no longer willing to put up with low equipment utilization rates and bear the costs of maintaining the ...
<p> Modern technological processes in various fields of industry, in the production of energy resources, during the operation of various types of transport are accompanied by conditions favorable for the formation and occurrence of corrosion processes. The main aspects of solving ...
Firm "Ukrtop-Partner" is pleased to announce a new innovative technology for protecting bunkers with a special wear-resistant polymer coating (polyurea) by spraying using a GRACO (Belgium) installation for fine-grained materials. ...
From September 4-7, 2007, the 4th international exhibition "Metallurgy-2007" was held in the exhibition center "ExpoDonbass". The exhibition was organized jointly with the company "Messe Dusseldorf GmbH" (Germany). The exhibition was attended by more than 200 participants ...
This modern high-tech product has several important "pluses" at the same time: increased efficiency, high operational efficiency when implementing various technological requirements, and a significantly lower noise level. ...
The company "Ukrtop-Partner", as the official representative in Ukraine of the German company "Rema Tip-Top", was a participant of the 10th International Specialized Exhibition "Coal/Mining 2008", which was held from September 2-5, 2008 in Donetsk. ...
Dear Sirs We inform you about organizational changes in the company "Stahlgruber Otto Gruber GmbH - Co KG". Since January 1, 2007, the company "Stahlgruber Otto Gruber GmbH - Co KG" has been transformed into an independent, in legal terms, company "REMA ...
Everyone who deals with conveyor transport knows the fact that the transported material sticks to the belt to a greater or lesser extent and because of this the entire conveyor system gets dirty. The degree of influence of ineffective belt cleaning on the increase in operating costs is ...
Using high-quality protective coatings REMALINE, you get reliable surface protection for your equipment. You eliminate costs associated with repairs and downtime and increase the productivity and operational readiness of the equipment many times over. REMALINE MP (Maintenance ...