Anti-corrosion protection

Modern technological processes in various fields of industry, in the production of energy resources, during the operation of various types of transport are accompanied by conditions favorable for the formation and occurrence of corrosion processes. The main aspects of solving the problems of anti-corrosion resistance of various structural materials are increased requirements for the choice of materials and methods of anti-corrosion protection, ensuring reliable operation of structures, technological equipment, vehicles, building structures.</p>
To solve problems of resisting corrosion, there are various methods of protection, but the most accessible and universal is the method of applying polymer film coatings (primers, paints, varnishes, enamels). The advantages of anti-corrosion protection with paint and varnish coatings are their high technological effectiveness (protection in factory and field conditions, at high humidity and negative temperatures), the possibility of application by available methods (airless spraying, pneumatic spraying, hand tools), high corrosion resistance (in multi-layer coatings up to 25 years), unlimited sizes of coated surfaces, resistance to various aggressive environments (acidic and alkaline), decorative appearance.</p>
<a href="">Anti-corrosion protection systems</a></li>
<a href="">Anti-corrosion lining material</a></li>

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